Brunowallet is the first decentralized wallet with auto staking

Hallo zusammen, wie geht es euch? Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, dem Projekt Brunowallet beizutreten, sollten Sie die Informationen lesen, die Ihnen helfen, Informationen zu erhalten, die Ihnen helfen können, Ihre Vision und Mission zu erkennen

#DeFi #BSC #Airdrop #Crypto #Presale

Heute werde ich über eine beste dezentrale Brieftasche mit Autostaking-Plattform sprechen. Auto-Staking? Was die Arbeitskomponente betrifft, werden Auto-Staking-Token Token mit vielseitigem Inventar sein (verwenden Sie die Rebase-Berechnung), die alle 15–30 Minuten zum Selbststempeln neuer Token geeignet sind. Während sie diese Token besitzen, haben Kunden die Möglichkeit, ihre Ressourcen auf bis zu 100.000 % APY als kumulierte Zinsen zu erweitern. es impliziert, dass Kunden einfach kaufen, halten und verdienen müssen, Token kaufen und Token in der Brieftasche (z. B. Metamask) speichern müssen, die Menge der Token wird natürlich zunehmen. Genau das belohnt Kunden für wiederkehrende, automatisierte Einnahmen, die im Wesentlichen Token halten.

Die Frage lautet also: Woher bekommen Projekte ihre Einnahmen, um Einnahmen in so hoher Höhe an Kunden zu zahlen?

Diese Antwort lautet Steuergebühren. Beim Kauf von Token, beim Verkauf von Token oder beim Versand müssen Kunden eine Gebühr entrichten, wie in den Richtlinien angegeben, in der Regel zwischen 11 % und 25 %, je nach Verpflichtung. Diese Ausgaben werden verwendet, um Kreditkosten an Kunden dauerhaft zu zahlen, zum Ausgleich verwendet, Liquidität bereitzustellen oder können bei Bedarf ebenfalls in eine Sparposition verschoben werden, um Liquidität bereitzustellen. Einige Unternehmen werden es auch verwenden, um später Token zu kaufen und zu verbrauchen.

Wie werden Markierungsprämien ermittelt?

Jede Blockchain-Organisation könnte einen alternativen Ansatz zur Ausarbeitung von Markierungsbelohnungen verwenden. Einige werden unter Berücksichtigung verschiedener Elemente Block für Block geändert. Dazu können gehören:

  • die Anzahl der Münzen, die der Münzprüfer markiert
  • wie lange der Validator effektiv markiert hat
  • die Anzahl der Münzen, die insgesamt auf der Organisation markiert sind
  • die Expansionsrate
  • verschiedene Elemente

Für einige andere Organisationen ist die Kennzeichnung als angemessener Satz noch in der Luft. Diese Preise werden den Prüfern als eine Art Entgelt für die Erweiterung übermittelt. Die Expansion fordert die Kunden auf, ihre Münzen auszugeben, anstatt sie zu halten, was ihre Verwendung als digitales Geld erweitern könnte. Auf jeden Fall können Validatoren mit diesem Modell genau die Belohnung für die Markierung von Dingen ermitteln, die sie erwarten können.

Einführung in Bruno Wallet


Brunowallet ist eine dezentrale Brieftasche mit automatischer Markierung direkt an Ihrem Standort für mehr als 10 verschiedene Münzen. Ignorieren Sie die Kennzeichnung in Ihren eigenen Aufzeichnungen und die Zahlung von Abhebungsgebühren. Alle Brunowallet-Kunden erhalten Tagessätze von der automatischen Markierung direkt an ihre automatische Markierungsadresse. Brunowallet speichert keine individuellen Daten und hat keinen Zugriff auf Kundenvermögen. Jeder Kunde erhält nach der Anmeldung einen bemerkenswerten vertraulichen Schlüssel, von dem erwartet wird, dass er in seine Akte gelangt.

BRUNOWallet Autostaking

  • Erhalten Sie automatisierte Einnahmen, indem Sie eine andere Art von dezentralisiertem Autostaking nutzen
  • Durch die Nutzung des dezentralen Autostakings erhalten Sie wiederkehrende, automatisierte Einnahmen direkt an Ihren Standort, von wo aus das Autostaking durchgeführt wurde


  • BRW ist ein im Ethereum-Netzwerk erstelltes Token, das eine Schlüsselrolle in der Bruno-Umgebung übernehmen wird
  • Jeder BRW-Inhaber erhält beim Umtausch auf Bruno DEX eine Provision von 0 %
  • Jeder BRW-Inhaber hat 0 % Abhebungskosten von Brunowallet
  • Jeder BRW-Inhaber erhält bei der Nutzung des NFT-Marktplatzes eine Provision von 0 %


Brunowallet verlost jede Woche 1 ETH unter BRW-Inhabern. Um an der Lotterie teilzunehmen, müssen Sie nur 100.000 BRW an Ihrer Adresse halten


#BSC #DeFi #Krypto #Blockchain


Author : harum93

Bitcointalk :;u=2692041

ETH Address : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7


Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, [LAMBO] you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission


Dear follower and reader it’s another good time with deep sense of giving you helpful news over this wonderful platform i have been following with great passion the capacity of this platform can’t be over look. with the simple information I will give you it will move you to a greater height the powerful elevating strengthen of this platform make me happy all time. I am very correct that this information will help you strongly follow this and benefits deeply. sometime ignorance have curse allot of barriers but this is not the case this have a credit to offer you as sufficiently and satisfy your need in crypto market.


Lambo Finance is the first and only auto-staking protocol that provides a decentralized financial asset which rewards users with a sustainable fixed APY up to 900,368.31% in BNB & SHIB & LAMBO. Here are some benefits for hodlers of $LAMBO:
Highest APY — Lambo pays out at 900,368.31% APY.
Fast and Furious — Lambo rebase reward will be distributed every 8 minutes or 180 times each day, making it the fastest auto-compounding protocol in crypto.
Insurance — 2.5% — 5% of all trading fees are stored in The Lambo Insurance which helps sustain and back the staking rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.


LAMBO finance Platform is a powerful project! The team is in close contact with the community and is easily accessible for sharing new ideas or answering issues. I wish this project a dynamic growth. Lambo is a powerful project! The team is in close contact with the community and is easily accessible for sharing new ideas or answering issues. I wish this project a dynamic Lambo is an opportunity to be a part of something that will be contributing a lot in the growth of the cryptocurrency industry. Joining it now and investing with it can be carrying many benefits later.This will certainly be a successful Lambo project as it has a great team that is more than qualified and focused on making this project a success. I have no doubt towards this project and this will sure will achieve a great success in Lambo Finance. This project will bring innovations to the modern world.


LAMBO is transforming DeFi with the LAMBO Autostaking Protocol that delivers the industry’s highest fixed APY, rebasing rewards every 8 minutes, and a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your portfolio in your wallet.

Lambo Finance is the first and only auto-staking protocol that provides a decentralized financial asset which rewards users with a sustainable fixed APY up to 900,368.31% in BNB & SHIB & LAMBO.

Here are some benefits for hodlers of $LAMBO:Token Its future is very bright.Because the demand for these coins has already spread widely in the market This coin has become the favorite coin of all investors Many investors have invested in these coins Those who have invested will get a lot of profit from this project This project is so powerful that it surpasses all other coins Lambo tokens Will occupy the top spot in the market Those who are investors I think investing on these coins is a sign of wisdom. Because the profit from here will be as much as from the other ten projects You will not get so much profit Investing in these coins will change their fortunes overnight.

$LAMBO Token :

Name: Lambo Finance
Ticker: $LAMBO
Max supply: LAMBO
Initial supply: 1.000.000 LAMBO
Team: 0%

Trading Fee :

Buying Fees (10% total):
2.5% — Insurance
2.5% — Treasury
1.5% — Auto-Liquidity
1.0% — Dead Valley
1.25% — BNB Passive Income
1.25% — Shib Lover

Selling Fees (20% total):

5.0% — Insurance
5.0% — Treasury
3.0% — Auto-Liquidity
2.0% — Dead Valley
2.5% — BNB Passive Income
2.5% — Shib Lover

Treasury :

Treasury address: 0x00
2.5% of buying fees and 5% of selling fees will be stored in Lambo treasury.
The treasury will be used to fund marketing, new Lambo products, services, and projects that will expand and provide more value to the community.

The APY for Lambo Finance is 900,368.31%, which will be automatically paid in LAMBO & BNB & SHIB.
Example: If you started with a balance of only 1,000 USDT of $LAMBO on day 1, after a year, your balance will have grown to 9,000,368.31 USDT of $LAMBO.


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Author : harum93

Bitcointalk :;u=2692041

BEP20 Address : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7

BridgeSwap is a great project

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, BridgeSwap you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission


You can find out what’s going on in cryptocurrency trading. Sign up with your email, enter a strong password, verify your account and start trading cryptocurrencies.

Decentralized exchanges are just that, except for the hassle of signing up. In most cases, there is no deposit or withdrawal of cryptocurrencies. Transactions take place directly between two user wallets, with limited (if any!) third-party input.

What is a Decentralized Exchange (DEX)?

A decentralized exchange is a cryptocurrency exchange that allows direct peer-to-peer cryptocurrency transactions to take place securely online without the need for an intermediary.

On a centralized cryptocurrency exchange, most control of your account remains in the hands of the third party that runs the exchange. On the other hand, with a decentralized exchange, all control of the account belongs to you.

Pros of DEXs

KYC-Free – KYC/AML compliance is standard on many exchanges. Individuals are often required to submit proof of identity and address for legal reasons. It’s a matter of privacy for some, an issue of accessibility for others. What if you don’t have valid documents on hand? What if the information is leaked in some way? Since the DEX is unauthorized, no one checks your identity. All you need is a cryptocurrency wallet.

No Counterparty Risk – The main attraction of decentralized crypto exchanges is that they do not hold customer funds.

Unlisted Tokens – Tokens that are not listed on a centralized exchange can still be freely traded on a DEX as long as there is supply and demand.

What is Bridgeswap?

Bridgeswap is a decentralized exchange that allows you to instantly swap crypto tokens, provide liquidity, and staking for rewards. Bridgeswap’s goal is to connect Defi web 3.0 with traditional finance using a decentralized approach. The power to create an equitable, sustainable and accessible global economy and a community-driven DAO.

Mission – BridgeSwap’s mission is to provide decentralized financial opportunities globally through support, security, and transparency.

Vision – Connect Defi on Web 3.0 with traditional finance in a decentralized way to create a fair, sustainable, accessible and community-based global economy.

Benefits of BridgeSwap

Warranty: BridgeSwap creates tools for users to take advantage of challenging opportunities.

Transparency: Community-based governance process to ensure users understand our common goals and open source development through Github.

Security: Our top priority is the safety of our funds and community of users.

Products of Bridgeswap

Bridgeswap has launched four innovative products: Bridge Trade, Bridge Swap farm, Bridge Pool, Bridgeswap Defi 2.0 zap and Bridge Swap lottery.

Bridge Swap – Bridge Swap is a decentralized exchange that allows you to instantly exchange Bep20 crypto tokens with other Bep20s using liquidity pools.

Bridge Swap Farm – Bridge Swap Farm allows you to earn rewards in the form of tokens and brokerage fees by adding tokens to our liquidity pool.

Bridge Swap Pool – With Bridge Swap Pool, you can stake Bris tokens to earn more tokens. This is a great way to monetize your tokens. instead of holding your tokens You can earn free tokens by putting them in the BridgeSwap pool so if you want your Bris tokens to work consider staking. The Bridegswap team allows you to stake and earn more Bris tokens in two ways. These methods include manual BRIS clusters and automated BRIS clusters.

Bridgeswap Defi 2.0 Zap – Bridgeswap Defi 2.0 Zap is a unique system built by a team to provide sustainable solutions to the critical challenges faced by Defi and Farming protocols. Most Defi protocols struggle to achieve. Liquidity is sufficient to execute the protocol. Bridegswap’s solution to this problem is zap Defi 2.0. This unique new system allows liquidity providers to swap liquidity pools for discounted Bris tokens. Bridegswap receives liquidity from this system and will not rely solely on liquidity providers for our liquidity pool. The liquidity provided by the Defi 2.0 zap is stored in the designated wallet as a reserve.

Referral Program – BridgeSwap Referral is an on-chain referral program that allows users to earn $BRIS without depositing any tokens. You simply refer other users to bet on farms and pools. And you will start earning 10% of their $BRIS return forever.
Lottery – The Swap Bridge Lottery is a game of chance in which a winner is chosen at random. Lottery allows all users to buy at least one lottery ticket for the big prize BRIS.
Bridegswap receives liquidity from this system and does not rely solely on liquidity providers for our liquidity pool. The liquidity provided by the Defi 2.0 zap is stored in the designated wallet as a reserve.

Referral Program – BridgeSwap Referral is an on-chain referral program that allows users to earn $BRIS without depositing any tokens. You simply refer other users to bet on farms and pools. And you will start earning 10% of their $BRIS return forever.
Lottery – The Bridge Swap Lottery is a game of chance in which a winner is chosen at random. Lottery allows all users to buy at least one lottery ticket for the big prize BRIS.

BRIS Token

BRIS, the original token of BridgeSwap tokens, has played a key role in the success of the BridgeSwap project. It is equipped with a powerful and practical cryptographic engine to drive Bridgeswap to success.

Token name: Bridgeswap

Token Symbol: BRIS

Chain: BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)

Initial Supply : 2,200,000



Bridgeswap is becoming a one-stop shop for all major DeFi protocols. This means a new passive income opportunity. and other tokens in your wallet Jump on the bandwagon and be one of the first! First investors will enjoy premium features and more BRIS tokens!


For More Information:







Author : harum93

Bitcointalk :;u=2692041

BSC Wallet : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7

Claim Luna Classic


Mimegértse azt a sok dolgot, amit néhány LUNA-tulajdonos tapasztalt az árérték drasztikus csökkenése és a kriptobefektetők sok vesztesége miatt.

Biztos azért, mert a rendszer nem biztos, hogy jó, ezért adjuk ki ezt a tokent, hogy felélesztsük a kriptokommunikációs közösség lelkesedését, akik sok pénzüket elvesztették a LUNA projekten, hogy áttérjenek a Luna Classicra.

Ez a projekt egy ajándék a hűséges LUNA-tulajdonosoknak, és ezt a tokent is Luna Classic néven neveztük el, amelyhez nem biztos, hogy olyan rendszer tartozik, mint a LUNA.

A projektrendszer azonban a jövő nagy közösségének felépítésén dolgozik. A Luna Classic méltányos rendszert használ, mert nem csak azokra az emberekre támaszkodik, akiknek sok pénzük van, hanem a projektben részt vevő közösségre is, hogy ez a projekt nagyobb legyen, mint maga a Luna projekt.

How does Luna Classic work and how to claim LUC tokens ?

Currently luna classic is released using the binance smart chain network, and may in the future use bridges to use other blockchain networks.

All wallet users that support BNB BSC or Bep20 can claim this token in the following way.

Send 0 BNB to our contract address here using Metamask wallet or Trustwallet


Use Gas Limit 150000 before sending and make sure to double check not to send any amount of BNB.
Because the BNB you send will be considered as a donation for development or to add liquidity to the Dex exchange.

Do not send using a wallet from any exchange, and make sure to send from your metamask or trustwallet wallet.

How much supply of Luna Classic ?

The total supply of Luna Classic is 100 billion tokens.

50 billion supply will be claimed by all wallet users supported by the binance smart chain network.

Everyone who will make a claim does not get the same amount but will continue to decrease until the supply runs out. Each wallet cannot claim more than once.

Another 50 billion supply is premined for distribution

10% Exchange Cex / DEx
10% NFT Holder
20% Holder LUC
5% Development
5% Team

We believe the system that we provide will be fair to all users of Luna classic in the future.

This method may also inspire new enthusiasm for traders who have lost a lot of money on the LUNA project.

We will also be releasing NFTs where everyone can buy them and hold them for LUC Rewards.

Be sure to share this information with your community and friends to start claiming free LUC tokens from now on.


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Ikonic: Improving Esports And Gaming Fan Experiences

Hello everyone, how are you? If you are interested in joining the project, iKONIC you should read the information that will help you get information that can help you in seeing your vision and mission


There has been a great shift in the gaming world for many years, however, this movement has opted for an opportunity by IKONIC to give fans and users privilege to own and share the most finest moment in esport history. IKONIC will also grant businesses and esport events to make millions of dollars a new way to connect with their audience. Video clips and spectacular gaming features will be minted into NFTs easily with a click or multiple clicks which will be listed and be ready for trading on IKONIC marketplace.

Get to Know About Ikonic and Its Range of Opportunities
IKONIC is not just a marketplace. It is a community movement. As a community, the passion for gaming is a powerful force that together great things can be achievable such as;

creating a platform for a new business structure with gaming services which will allow new exciting and innovating game tittles.

Creating a launchpad which will create wealth for everyday gaming on the metaverse for IDIE block chain games.

creating and expanding a market for all in-game assets which will sustain creation and will help strive forward.

IKONIC has visions to explore which are; The esport boom and the earthquake of block chain gaming. This visions provide opportunities and represent colossal economic opportunity in it’s own right despite being a part of the greater gaming metaverse. IKONIC will build businesses of both trends at the same time and draw into the rich, synergistic potential opportunity that exist between them.

Opportunities Created by Ikonic

The ways in which IKONIC create opportunities are; Game clips to NFT in seconds, IKONIC NFT marketplace, showing off your NFT, premiere esport partnership, gaming as a service, and launchpad for IDIE games.

Game clips to NFTs: IKONIC will offer users a seamless video clip to NFT minting experience. It will make it easy and fun to add simple edits and flourishes video content like unique templates and filters on Instagram and tiktok. It is also accessible and fun to everyone. It will further develop a mass- market friendly platform for amateur and pro gamers to mint and share gaming moments with fans and friends. Also, royalties and sublicensing rights will be available for users on the platform.

Ikonic Marketplace: **The IKONIC marketplace is a fully developed marketplace community that focuses on game-clips NFT by making it easy for users to unlock monetary value directly from their recorded gameplay experience.

Premier Esport Partnerships: IKONIC will give the top spirr teams extraordinary opportunities to connect with their fans abr grow their popularity. These partners will also benefit from IKONIC friendly, large marketplace and social experience by celebrating amazing video gaming moments. They will also be able to make use of sublicensing features in IKONIC NFT templates to generate new and exciting ways to create revenue and fans engagement.

Gaming as a Service: Ths is Ikonic’s new business model that allows the world to see more amazing gaming creation where game developers will trust that they have large player base to share them with. This service offers IKONIC community users the opportunity to access a large library of exciting titles, all for a month subscription fee. This idea is inspired from Netflix.

Ikonic Network Token (IKONIC) & Its Tokenomics

IKONIC is minted in BSC blockchain with a total supply of 2.5 billion tokens that will fuel the economy of the gaming metaverse. IKONIC network token is a community smart contract that will begin by taking a look at the rewards obtain by the passionate community. It will then be ready for launching, then move on to a broader exploration of their reward designs. IKONIC will plan and examine how they interprete with natural community building on IKONIC. IKONIC is going to unlock a very large marketplace with it’s core NFT products and services. find tokenomics below.

Token Emission Schedule

Seed- 3% unlocked at listing, 97% vests daily over 18 months beginning day 181 after listing (approximately 5% per month)
Strategic- 5% unlocked at listing, 95% vests daily over 12 months beginning day 91 after listing (approximately 8% per month)
Public- 20% unlocked at listing, 80% vests daily over 3 months beginning day 1 after listing (approximately 27% per month)
Advisors- Vests daily over 30 months, beginning day 181 after listing (approximately 3% per month)

Team and Company- Vests daily over 36 months, beginning day 361 after listing (approximately. 3% per month)
Ecosystem and Referrals- Vests daily over 35 months, beginning day 31 after listing (approximately 3% per month)
Development- Vests daily over 48 months, beginning day 361 after listing (approximately 2% per month)
Marketing and Operation- Vests daily over 45 months, beginning day 91 after listing (approximately. 2% per month)
Liquidity and LIstings-20% unlocked at listing, 80% vests daily over 16 months beginning day 1 after listing.

Community Rewards- Emissions set by uptake of reward promotions on network.
General Reserve- Vests daily over 48 months, beginning day 361 after listing (approximately. 2% per month)


Blockchain has done quite well in bringing the idea of gaming and nfts to a very valuable reality, Ikonic is one remarkable solution that will bring traders, gamers and e-sport celebrities together to create, collect and trade values from each moment they spend in metaverse ecosystem. Do follow the official links i made available below for much more into the idea of Ikonic, thanks.


For More Information:

Website —
Telegram —
Twitter —
Medium —
LinkedIn —
Discord —

Author : harum93

Bitcointalk :;u=2692041

BSC Wallet : 0xAcd9BF8EC3E202833891c38a595Ea0568aE034f7